The Education Act gives a guarantee of enrolment to students who live in the Home Zone specified in the school’s Enrolment Scheme. The purpose of the Enrolment Scheme is to prevent overcrowding in our school.
Thank you for considering enrolling your child(ren) at Parnell District School. Parnell District School caters for students from Year 1 to Year 8. The age range for students at our school is from 5 to 13 years old.
In accordance with the Ministry of Education Guidelines (Education and Training Act 2020), Parnell District School has an enrolment zone. All students over the age of five who permanently reside in the school zone have automatic right to attend Parnell District School. The school’s enrolment scheme has been established in association with the Ministry of Education in order to limit the size of the school’s roll and avoid overcrowding.
Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at Parnell District School.
Please complete our online ENROLMENT FORM
If your child’s start date is more than two months away please do not complete the Online Enrolment Form – email our enrolment officer – with your child’s full name and date of birth and your address. You will be contacted by our Enrolment Officer with a guideline on what to do next.
Please note a separate application is required for each child you are enrolling. We ask that you read the instructions carefully and supply all the requested documentation. Should you experience difficulties in completing this online application, please contact, Mrs Kathy Brinsden, our Enrolment Officer via or Monday-Friday between 9am-3pm on 09 379 3008 ext 603.
When you have submitted the form our Enrolment Officer will be in contact with you regarding any additional information she requires and with a date for your enrolment interview.
Your child’s start date will be confirmed when the enrolment process is complete.
Parnell District School operates a cohort entry policy, which allows new entrants to start school in cohort groups on the first day of the term, or at a mid-point during the term (set by the Ministry of Education), rather than singly on each child’s 5th birthday (this is known as continuous entry).
Cohort entry allows new entrants an easier transition to school and helps them build relationships with their fellow new entrants and other students already in the class. It allows Parnell District School to better plan its staffing requirements, and minimises disruption for new entrant teachers.
Once a child is formally enrolled at school, they must attend school regularly.
We recommend that you check with us as to your child’s start date before giving notice to your Early Childhood Centre.
Explanation of cohorts (please note, Cohort Entry requirements do not apply to 5 year old students who have transferred from another primary school):
- Students who begin in Cohorts 1A, 1B, 2A will be classified as Year 1.
- Students who begin in Cohort 2B will have their year level decided through discussion between the student’s whanau, the Deputy Principal Years 0- 3 and the Learning Leader of the Years 0-1 team.
- Students who begin in Cohorts 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B will be classified as Year 0. In their following year at school these students will be Year 1.
What to expect ahead of your child starting at PDS:
A few weeks prior to your child starting school we will contact you to confirm all the details you need to know, including an invitation to a pre-school visit. These generally occur on the Wednesday morning the week prior to your child’s cohort entry date. This will be different for students starting school in Cohort 1A.
The visit allows your child to become familiar with the school, their class, and their teacher. While your child is visiting their new class, parents and caregivers will meet with one of our Deputy Principals. This information session will provide an overview of learning and belonging at our school. This is an ideal opportunity for families to ask any questions they have about our school.